Condo Roccia Koptiw LLP welcomes our 2020 Summer Associate:

Fan Chen
1L Summer Associate from The University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
Fan has an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech University. She worked briefly as an engineer before attending law school.
In the past few years, Fan has worked as an Electrical Engineer Intern, an Application Engineer, a Judicial Intern, and now, a Summer Associate. These roles demonstrate her unwavering interest in technology and law. She is also eager to learn more about the process of innovation, including the role that patents play in that process.
*Due to recent circumstances related to COVID-19, Fan will be working virtually for at least some of her summer. “I was pleased to learn that CRK was well equipped to allow me to work virtually due to the pandemic,” Fan notes. While Fan may miss some typical CRK summer associate social events, she can be assured that she will be doing meaningful work, as well as interacting with many CRK attorneys. We are grateful to have her with us.