Condo Roccia Koptiw LLP welcomes our 2019 2L Summer Associate:
Edward Davis
2L Summer Associate from Rutgers Law School

Edward has an undergraduate degree in Physics from Bucknell University.
Edward’s interest in patent law started early in his undergraduate career. As part of a research team addressing a mechanical engineering issue associated with using a patent-pending surgical device, one of Edward’s favorite tasks was reviewing approaches and technologies that had been tried previously. Seeing the project from this perspective, coupled with the team’s eventual solution, allowed him to appreciate the importance of context in creating new developments. Although the team’s optimization work did not result in a patent application, Edward witnessed first-hand the early stages of product development and the practical effects of finding a better way to solve a long-standing problem. Edward’s curiosity about the context of technology advances gradually led him to choose a career in patent law, where describing innovations is a critical part of protecting them.